Energy and Passion

We need your Energy and Passion to complete our team!

The complete story of Emodo spans 18 chapters and that's going to take several years and several million dollars to complete. We want to launch the first chapter - Rise of Emodo - this year and so we divided the game into two phases.
Phase 1 can be completed by fund raising on our web site  giving you access to a vibrant (but flat) world. Expect some wonderful artwork, an awesome User Interface (UI) and an incredible player experience - but expect it to be pretty flat.
We know that for $36,000 we can complete the work we've started and deliver to you an incredible games concept. Deep down though, we want to go further. We want to breathe life into an awesome, interactive virtual world designed in the stunning Unity 3D and if you help us achieve $300,000+ we can begin to deliver that experience in 2014.
What's Beyond This?
We already want to create Chapter 2 and discover the new adventures when the Emodons finally reach the moon Vyo and make a shattering discovery. We want to explore the Shadow D'harblus some more. He's lived for 32,000 years: a weapon created in the Age of Wars who still has some grudges. We also want to write the books that our fans keep asking for. Together with our awesome fund raising friends we can achieve this and a whole lot more! 

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