Follow up the Rise of Emodo

Rise Of Emodo is a game created exclusively for M2E, and will be ready to go online by April 2013. 

Please follow our updates to know more about launching date, in-game prizes. The final money prize will be a minimum of $100 000 for the first player to crack the vault.
How you can help us to fund this game and in change what rewards we have for you

In this fantastic game, players will create alliances with all kind of cultures and religions across the Planet.
I will tell you some more in my next update.

People involved on Rise of Emodo

The Rise of Emodo is a game created exclusively for M2E, and will be ready to go online by September 2013. 

Please follow our updates to know more about launching date, in-game prizes and the final money prize at

With this game we pretend to give a boost of free memberships into our new Social website
So we came up with an idea to make it big. The very first free online adventure game with a nice money prize for the first one to crack the vault.

We have talked with game designers and artists from across the world to get involved and help us.
Eventually we started to find some people who were as excited by the concept of The Quest as much as we were and right now Steve Beaumont is handling the first sequence storyboard. Steve has worked on several games including Tomb Raider - Angel of Darkness, Mortal Kombat Shaolin Monks, and The Suffering as well as developing storyboards for BBC, Emap Publishing, Johnny Walker, Universal Studios, Unilever and Warner Bros.

We are also mega excited to be working with Jason Godbey an environmental artist from California who worked on the legendary God of War – Ghost of Sparta which redefined PSP games. Jason also worked on NBA2K8 (Xbox360). 

Next up from Colorado is Ryan Knope – the Art Director of Lacuna Expanse and we are really pleased to have him on board as we have an entire world to be designed and that’s going to take some time. The opening sequences and cut scenes will more than likely be completed by Lifang-cg. Originally from China, they’ve expanded and have offices in Vancouver. 

Original music for the Quest will be composed by Vlado Hudec who really understands the concept of Epic. Whether it's guitars or full orchestras with choirs, he creates masterpieces of energetic or calming music. Finally (for now) we have Jon Mohr handling voiceovers. You hear Jon on the first part of our video. Jon has that distinctive voice that almost everyone has heard somewhere before.

Rise of Emodo

The Quest - Rise of Emodo

A Game Designed Around You 

by Complete Earth LLC 

A new online adventure, puzzle game with a minimum prize money of $100 000.

   Make alliances, trade with friends, wreak havoc and unlock 10,000 years of secrets, find the keys and open the vault.

Walking through the desert you find an ancient book: a gateway to another world – the world of Emodo. Here you meet the Questorian who welcomes you to the first kingdom of Merchantopia. You arrive with nothing but your deep sense of curiosity and the only instruction the Questorian gives you is to find the answers to unlock the orb which floats mysteriously on the desk. The orb is an artefact known as the Vault and once opened it promises to transform your life: not your life in the game, but your real life out here in the real world.